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About Miss Mott


educational Background

Miss mott is an undergrad student at western mighigan university. she graduated from lawrence high school in 2015.
Miss mott LOVES taking photographs and capturing smiles. She believes that you should never stop learning no matter your age. ALong with her loves are her family, culture, friends, writing letters, traveling, and sunflowers. If you ever want to make her day just bring your smile to class and maybe a jar of sunflowers, too! 
what i really want my students to know
-It costs nothing in this world be a good human being. 
-People are people no matter where they come from, what language they speak, and what color their skin is. Treat them equally.
-You are worth more than your selfie, more than your body image, and looks don't define you.
-If you dont live for what you're passionate about, what do you live for?

"The only unique contribution we will ever make in this world will be born of our own creativity"

-Brene Brown

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School Contact

Random High School
269-555-5555 ex. 2

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Miss Mott's Favorite Books

-The Hunger Games

-To Kill a Mockingbird

-Pride & Prejudice

-The Impossible Knife of a Memory




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